Improved packaging at Danzer
For about 2 years, a project team at Danzer, headed by James Angel of Danzer UK has been investigating better options for the packaging material that Danzer uses.
For about 2 years, a project team at Danzer, headed by James Angel of Danzer UK has been investigating better options for the packaging material that Danzer uses.
In 2015, 189 countries worldwide signed on to seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We here at Danzer are doing our part for the SDGs as well.
“Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”. Great definition, right? But what does it mean?
The FSC General Assembly 2017 took place over the course of six days in October in stunning Vancouver, Canada in close proximity to a beautiful and natural old park – the legendary Stanley Park.
The second Danzer Sustainability Report's release date ended a marathon of 18 months of intensive work.