Old school work at Danzer
What happens, when computers are uncooperative, software stops working, the Internet connection is slow or - as is currently the case at Danzer - no IT system is working at all?
First, we realize how much we depend on our computers; then we start looking for work that we have been putting off for some time and for which we don't need a computer: Filing is just one example - our desks haven't been this tidy for a long time. And then we continue our regular work without the Internet and computers, as good as we can. All Danzer employees improvised creatively in this unexpected situation. We talk on the phone instead of sending e-mails back and forth. We type on alternative devices and hand out slips of paper instead of sending circular e-mails. We use flipcharts and whiteboards and photograph them. The good old fax machine experiences a brilliant comeback. And we recognize the positive effects of being offline: this technical crisis makes it clear how strong the personal cohesion between Danzer employees is; it strengthens our partnership-based, result-oriented corporate culture.
And it sparks the human side of business: business partners treat us with goodwill and understanding in this special situation. Everyone is aware that such disruption can occur these days: Many have already experienced similar situations and encourage us to keep our chins up. In our 87-year company history, we have already mastered many difficulties. This crisis is an opportunity, too.
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