December 19, 2018

Authentic Mix of Wood Varieties at the Orania.Berlin Hotel

Danzer wood surfaces at boutique hotel in Berlin’s Kreuzberg district

Dornbirn (Austria)/Berlin (Germany). Numerous wood surfaces from international hardwood specialist Danzer can be found throughout the Orania.Berlin hotel, which opened in 2017. The selection of wood varieties follows the overarching concept behind the hotel, which revolves around “fire, light and the guest”. In practical terms, the outcome was a pleasing blend of authentic real wood surfaces in all parts of the hotel.

Located in the heart of Berlin’s Kreuzberg district, Orania.Berlin opened its doors in August 2017. When it came to selecting the materials for the interior design, hotel director Dietmar Mueller-Elmau traveled to the Danzer showroom in Grödig near Salzburg to select the wood surfaces in person: “Visiting the Danzer showroom proved to be highly inspirational. The selection – and presentation – of wood varieties is outstanding. Ultimately, making the final decision was easy – and we are very proud of the excellent impression created by the mix of woods used in our interiors. I am hard pressed to think of any other hotel that uses this many different types of wood for its interior finishes,” explained Dietmar Mueller-Elmau, who has already used wood from Danzer for another of his ventures, Hotel Schloss Elmau in Bavaria.

Danzer wood varieties used in hotel’s interior design
According to Mueller-Elmau, the concept for the design and finish of Orania.Berlin was inspired by three key elements – fire, light and the guest. “The range of wood varieties should reflect the diversity and origins of the guests – a very nice idea by the hotel and one which could be brought to life to perfect effect with our materials,” added Walter Mooslechner, General Manager Danzer Veneer Europe, “thanks in part to the broad spectrum covered by our wood varieties and to the reliable supply and uniform quality of our veneers.” Santos Palisander, Cherry, Goncalo Alvez, Lacewood and American Walnut all featured prominently. “Santos Palisander was used for the radiator covers, the beds are made from Cherry, the doors from Goncalo Alvez and Lacewood was the material of choice for the countertops in the kitchens,” Walter Mooslechner confirmed, giving an insight into the project’s execution.

Full depth of range on display at the Danzer showroom
Hardwood specialist Danzer offers around 200 different types of wood in its standard, exotic and technical veneers. The veneers are available in a range of thicknesses. “Anyone who is interested in finding out more about out hardwood products is welcome to come to our state-of-the-art showroom, where they can get a feel for our veneers, different prototypes, 3D-Veneer products and current research projects,” Walter Mooslechner confirmed. Danzer’s showrooms are located in Grödig near Salzburg in Austria, in Mělník in the Czech Republic and in Darlington, Pennsylvania.

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Danzer facts box:
One of the world’s largest producers of decorative hardwood.
Founded: 1932
Holding company located in: Dornbirn, Austria
Production sites: 4 in Europe, 6 in North America
Sales offices: 7 in Europe, 8 in North America, 3 in Asia
Product range: sliced wood, lumber, timber and logs, specialty products (Vinterio, 3D-Veneer)
Sales in 2017: EUR 210 million
Supplies customers in 76 countries worldwide
Employees: 1,600 worldwide

About Danzer:
Danzer is a leading quality hardwood company with production facilities in North America and Europe. It has approximately 1,600 employees and services customers from 18 sales offices worldwide. Founded in 1932, Danzer is managed by a third-generation family member. The company owns and sustainably manages forests in North America and produces sliced veneer, lumber and innovative value-added wood products for decorative purposes. Danzer products are used in high-quality furniture, kitchen cabinets, cars and other applications.


Eckart Schmitt
Hintere Achmuehlerstrasse 1
6850 Dornbirn | Austria
Phone: +43 5572 39 4490 241
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