Requirements for suppliers

Danzer Procurement Rules

In view of our Due Diligence System, compliant with the EU Timber Regulation, US Lacey Act and the Modern Slavery Act (UK) we ask every supplier to provide the necessary information for our system. The provision of this information and the respect of these “Procurement Rules” is part of our purchase conditions.

We ask our suppliers to inform us immediately if there is any change in the country/ region(s) of harvest, or, for high-risk countries, the forest(s) of harvest. In that case, we will do a new risk assessment.


We Seek to obtain the following information:

  1. Country and regions(s) of harvest on the invoice or an associated document

  2. For high-risk countries: the forest (s) / concession(s) of harvest on the invoice or an associated document

  3. At export: the documents on trade, transport and export (the certificate of origin, phytosanitary certificate, the BL) and a sample of the customs document (for example EX1 or EX3)

  4. If applicable:
    1. CITES permit
    2. Certification type and CoC number on the invoice with clear reference to which products are certified, for example “All wood is FSC® 100% certified, SGSCH-xx-xx”
    3. If a timber supply area is at high risk for child or forced labor in logging or subsequent manufacturing, then a declaration against forced labor in the supply chain will be requested.

  5. For non-certified wood, from high-risk areas, or if high risk is identified for other reasons (e.g. child or forced labor, corruption), we make a risk assessment and suppliers sign a declaration, which includes provisions on prevention of corruption, excluding child and forced labor and we request the following information:

    1. Copy of the (annual) logging permit and/or the forest concession permit
    2. Small map of the forest/ harvest location or reference to an official map (e.g. WRI-Ministry maps)
    3. Proof of approval of the management and/or harvest plan if applicable
    4. Proof of payment of timber and forest royalties and taxes (e.g. “Quitus fiscal”)

A field evaluation will be organized if risk of non-compliance is identified or for non-certified wood from high-risk countries.