Danzer is organized by business units for products and regions; every business unit runs its own production and sales operation.
Danzer products are not sold to end users but to manufacturers, distributors and component producers.
Danzer is organized by business units for products and regions; every business unit runs its own production and sales operation.
For comparison: Annual consumption of wood worldwide: 3.5 bn cubic meters
3 veneer mills, 1 Vinterio plant, 1 3D-Veneer plant, 1 sawmill, 18 sales offices
Danzer in North America
2 veneer mills, 1 sawmill
9 sales offices
Danzer in Europe
1 veneer mill, 1 Vinterio plant, 1 3D-Veneer plant
7 sales offices
Danzer in Asia
2 sales offices
Detailed information: danzer.com/company/milestones