Danzer AG
Corporate headquarters
Industriering 40
9491 Ruggell
Phone +423 220 1040
Fax +423 220 1050
Danzer Holding GmbH
Hintere Achmühlerstrasse 1
6850 Dornbirn
Phone +43 5572 3944 90
Fax +43 5572 3944 90 299
Danzer Veneer Europe GmbH
DVE head office, veneer showroom, warehouse and sales
Göllstrasse 20
5082 Grödig
Phone +43 6246 72155
Fax +43 6246 76182
Danzer UK Ltd.
Lumber, specialists products warehouse
and sales
46 Market Hill
Maldon, Essex CM9 4QA
Great Britain
Phone +44 1621 851002
Fax +44 1621 859122
Danzer Deutschland GmbH
3D-Veneer production and sales,
Corporate Engineering,
Corporate IT
Zschoner Ring 34
01723 Kesselsdorf
Phone +49 35204 7804 30
Fax +49 35204 7804 50
Danzer Bohemia-Dýhárna s.r.o.
Veneer production and sales
Krivenice 1
277 03 Horní Pocaply
Czech Republic
Phone +420 315 630 700
Fax +420 315 630 730
AB Sydfanér
Veneer warehouse and sales
Hammarvägen 4
56732 Vaggeryd
Phone +46 393 120 80
Fax +46 393 109 07